Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wow! Emotions are running high ...

Chris Pirillo went on an extended rant of "20 Reasons why I'm NOT buying an iPhone now" on his podcast, The Chris Pirillo Show. Cali Lewis at Geek Brief TV couldn't stop gushing. I'm really interested to listen to Leo Laporte and the gang on This Week in Tech as they react to their initial experiences. And Alex and Kevin were shouting at each other last week on Diggnation, before either of them had even seen an iPhone (I couldn't even finish watching all of that...).

[assume Walter Cronkite voice] But, here on iPhone Lansing, we intend to take a more measured, sober approach: bringing you honest reaction and reporting on actual experiences devoid of hyperbole.

[assume Jim Cramer persona] And, BOO-YAH, we'll also SHOUT OUT the pure JOY of the iPhone -- it's thrills, chills, excitements, and its woes, failures, and despairs -- it's BETTER THAN SEX, and it's a worthless piece of crap!

If you like rollercoaster rides, stay tuned ...

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